Kinship Foster Care Bill Passes Committee

(Colorado State Capitol, April 18, 2024) -- Today, SB24-008, the Kinship Foster Care bill, after passing the Health and Human Services Committee, has passed the Finance Committee and is now on its way to the Appropriations Committee.

"As a former County Commissioner who oversaw Human Services, and as the former statewide co-chair of the Child Welfare Allocation Committee, I know that there is a shortage of foster care homes throughout the state. When we can keep children in need with their kin, it helps maintain those familial ties and bonds, especially with siblings. It also opens up homes for children who do not have families who can take them in," said Minority Leader Rose Pugliese (R-Colorado Springs). "This bill is a step in the right direction to ensure that families, whether they are certified or not, have the support they need to take care of their loved ones."

The Kinship Foster Care bill, sponsored by the Minority Leader, addresses critical gaps in our current foster care system. It confronts the financial barriers to placement and simplifies the certification process for kinship foster care providers. The bill prioritizes family connections to minimize trauma and improve children's well-being in foster care. Placing children with relatives provides stability, reduces disruptions, and increases permanency through reunification, guardianship or adoption within the family network. Research shows that kinship care improves behavioral and mental health outcomes by fostering permanent, supportive relationships crucial for their future success.

"Every family deserves the opportunity to provide a nurturing environment for children in need," added Pugliese. "This bill not only supports kinship placements financially but also streamlines the certification process, making it easier for families to navigate."

The decision to place a child in foster care is never easy, but with the passage of SB24-008, we are offering families more choices and resources to safeguard the well-being of our children.

“I am truly honored to help spearhead this legislation and I am very excited about what it means for the people of Colorado” declared Pugliese. "With this bill, we are not just enacting laws; we are unleashing a wave of choices and opportunities for families to create brighter futures. Together, we are building a community where Colorado children have the support and resources they need to thrive.”

“I also want to thank Representatives Bradley, Evan, and the members of the Child Welfare Interim Committee for their hard work and stakeholding on this very important issue to Colorado families,” added Pugliese.

