Colorado House Republicans Sound Alarm on $27 Million Illegal Immigration Spending

Denver, CO – September 10, 2024 – Colorado House Minority Leader Rose Pugliese, Assistant Minority Leader Ty Winter, Representative Ryan Armagost, and Representative Gabe Evans issued a stark warning to Colorado taxpayers today, highlighting the enormous financial burden of illegal immigration and how these funds are driving up the cost of living for hardworking families across the state, spending over $27 million on services and benefits for illegal immigrants. 

“Colorado taxpayers are footing the bill for policies that not only encourage illegal immigration but also contribute to skyrocketing costs across the board,” said Minority Leader Rose Pugliese. “The Democrats have funneled millions of taxpayer dollars into programs that provide services to illegal immigrants while the cost of living continues to rise for everyday Coloradans.”

As Axios reported earlier this year, “It’s going to cost more to live and work in Colorado once Democratic lawmakers finish their work at the Capitol this session.” And that is exactly what we are seeing—higher fees, higher taxes, and higher costs for everyone, with Democrats voting to raise taxes and fees on alcohol, rental cars, telephones, and even tires.

At the same time they are raising taxes on hardworking Coloradans, the Democrats have chosen to spend millions in taxpayer money for government services and benefits for illegal immigrants. 

In just 2024, Colorado Democrats voted to spend over $27 million on everything from housing to legal defense funds for illegal immigrants. These taxpayer dollars, which could have been used to address the rising costs of housing, healthcare, and education, are instead being redirected to fund programs that attract more illegal immigrants and strain local economies. In the Denver metro area alone, hospitals spend an average of $2,931 per migrant in uncompensated care, further burdening the healthcare system and increasing costs for all Coloradans.

One example is the $2.5 million allocated over the next two years to the Welcome, Reception, and Integration Program (HB24-1280), a state-sponsored program that will, in part, fund free housing for illegal immigrants. 

“Our taxpayer dollars are being siphoned away from the essential services that should be making life more affordable for Colorado families,” said Assistant Minority Leader Ty Winter. “Instead, they are being used to fund programs that cater to illegal immigrants. This is not just fiscally irresponsible—it is driving up the cost of living for every Coloradan.”

Representative Ryan Armagost emphasized, “This is not just about money—it is about priorities. In addition to the staggering cost of immigration-related programs, Democrats have pushed legislation that ties the hands of law enforcement, leading to a surge in crime across the state. Meanwhile, law enforcement agencies continue to struggle with underfunding and understaffing, leaving communities vulnerable. When we prioritize illegal immigrants over the needs of Coloradans, we are betraying the trust of every taxpayer in Colorado. The Democrats’ policies have led to a higher cost of living, and our communities are paying the price.”

Representative Gabe Evans added, “Coloradans are already struggling with rising costs, yet the Democrats continue to divert public funds to illegal immigrants. Democrats are using taxpayer dollars to fund housing, healthcare, legal fees, and even retirements for illegal immigrants. This cannot continue.”

One example is “The Immigration Legal Defense Fund,” initially created through HB21-1194 with an allocation of over $100,000. Since its creation, spending on this program has ballooned, with an additional $350,000 allocated in the most recent budget. Meanwhile, families are left to bear the burden of higher prices, taxes, and fees, while resources that should be going to support them are instead used to defend illegal lawbreakers.

Colorado House Republicans are committed to restoring fiscal responsibility and prioritizing affordability for Colorado citizens. They call for a comprehensive reevaluation of the state budget to ensure that taxpayer dollars are used to ease the cost of living, not increase it.

