Rep. Soper Counters Governor's Dismissive Comments Regarding Wolf Reintroduction

(Denver, CO - June 18, 2024) — In response to Governor Polis's recent comment regarding the state's approach to wildlife management and the reintroduction of wolves, Representative Matt Soper (R-Delta) issued the following statement:

"It is disheartening to see Governor Polis dismiss the serious concerns of rural Colorado residents and ranchers with a cavalier attitude. While it is true that living in the West requires adapting to wildlife, the governor's comment fails to acknowledge the unique and significant challenges posed by the reintroduction of wolves.

Growing up with bears and mountain lions in our backyards is one thing; the reintroduction of a highly predatory species like wolves is another. This issue is not about urban versus rural or new residents versus lifelong Coloradans. It is about ensuring that all of our communities, especially those whose livelihoods depend on ranching and agriculture, are protected and supported.

Governor Polis's comment trivializes the hardships faced by ranchers dealing with wolf depredations. It is not about tulips being eaten by deer; it is about the devastating loss of livestock and the emotional and financial toll it takes on families who have been stewards of the land for generations.

As I have previously stated, we need proactive measures to safeguard our ranchers' herds and livelihoods. This includes adequate compensation for losses and effective strategies to mitigate future conflicts. Rural Colorado deserves genuine support and solutions, not dismissive remarks that downplay their very real concerns.

I urge Governor Polis to visit our rural communities and hear directly from those affected by the wolf reintroduction. True leadership requires more than just acknowledging the problem; it demands concrete steps to solve it."

