SB25-003 Passes House Committees Despite Serious Concerns Over Constitutional Rights and Fiscal Irresponsibility

Denver, CO – March 18, 2025 – Senate Bill 25-003 has passed all committee hearings and will now head to the full House for consideration. Representative Ryan Armagost, Minority Leader Rose Pugliese, and Assistant Minority Leader Ty Winter are strongly opposed to the bill, citing concerns over its infringement on Second Amendment rights, the blatant disregard for our law enforcement officers, and the impact this bill will have on Colorado Parks and Wildlife funding.

"This bill is a direct attack on law-abiding gun owners, adding unnecessary bureaucracy while doing nothing to address rising crime," said Representative Armagost. "It is a political agenda disguised as a public safety measure, and it threatens our constitutional rights."

Assistant Minority Leader Winter stated that “this bill diverts essential wildlife conservation funds and threatens rural communities, especially those that depend on outdoor recreation. It is fiscally irresponsible, undermines our constitutional protections, and attempts to transform an unalienable, God-given right into a privilege granted by bureaucracy.”

Minority Leader Pugliese concluded, saying, "Rather than focusing on real common-sense solutions, this bill makes it harder for responsible Coloradans to exercise their Constitutional rights."

SB25-003 diverts critical funds from wildlife conservation to unrelated programs, jeopardizing federal funding and placing additional strain on rural communities that rely on hunting and outdoor recreation. The bill dramatically underestimates the financial costs to the State, and we cannot afford to play with this at a time when Colorado is facing a budget deficit exceeding a billion dollars.

